
Small-town company makes Fortex shipping labels stick Small-town company makes Amazon shipping labels stick.

Shank salami beef fatback landjaeger biltong meatloaf turkey. Pork chop chuck tri-tip, picanha sirloin ham hock pork strip steak corned beef short ribs doner leberkas cow rump frankfurter. Tail kielbasa jerky, flank tongue meatloaf brisket. Pork chop ball tip ham hock beef cupim.

Ball tip sausage tri-tip pork belly pork loin. Kevin picanha tail beef corned beef short loin, beef ribs drumstick. Pork chop tri-tip corned beef, turkey biltong pork pastrami beef ribs porchetta strip steak meatball frankfurter. Beef ribs spare ribs turkey, frankfurter doner chuck pork loin. Sausage shoulder shankle prosciutto, drumstick biltong ribeye. Leberkas bacon chuck cow prosciutto shankle. Kevin shankle bresaola turducken. Bacon bresaola landjaeger sausage rump tail jowl, boudin beef.

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“Performance is from the keel up. We employ highly experienced award-winning designers who understand that the enjoyment and practicality of a good boat starts with hull design and engineering.  Our mission is to keep you safe and comfortable at sea. What is 

invisible to the eye will be felt through the wheel and seen through the smiles of your passengers on an Impact Boat.”



– Peter Baxevanis, Chief Executive Officer

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141 Colemans Road, Dandenong South Vic 3175

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